Want to share models fast and easy with those that don't own BIM Software? Check out the Autodesk Viewer. You can share autodesk and non-autodesk models including Rhino, SketchUp, and Microstation!
Here's a list of the file formats that are supported!
Jake Spasaro is our Construction Technologist and is a graduate from Texas A&M University. Graduating with a B.S. in Construction Science and a Minor in Business, he started his career working in general contracting. While working in project management, Jake discovered the world of BIM and began learning the skills needed to pursue it. After general contracting, he started working in technology advancement for a major mechanical contractor in Austin, TX where he helped the company transition from AutoCAD to Revit.
Jake leads many of our BIM coordination projects because of his passion and advanced skillset for VDC. Jake also leads our reality capture projects, overseeing the scan to BIM process. He has experience using a variety of LiDAR and photogrammetry tools and technology, as well as going from a point cloud to a Revit Model.