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Exploring the Latest Updates: A Closer Look at GLYPH 2.1 & 2.2

Writer's picture: Dave CichyDave Cichy

this demonstration I will be walk through the updated features included in 2.1 and 2.2. At a high level this is Linked File support and Structural Framing support. I will get into the major features in this post but for a complete list of everything included in this version, please refer to this post on the forum.

Open A Revit Project with a Link

Open A Revit Project with a Link

Linked file support was the main feature of Version 2.1. Let's walk through the supported tasks. Start by opening a project that includes a linked model.

How to enable access to the link?

How to enable access to the link?

Here I use Create View by Room. On the first tab where you are selecting which Room. Click the small Linked Document button. This will reveal a list of the Active Revit document, followed by all Linked Models. Be sure to enable the linked model that contains the room you want to target. By default, Links are not enabled. Note that linked elements will have a Linked File icon next to the element name on the list.

New task Settings:

New task Settings:

You now have a Parent View Search Bar to filter down results. This option is only available when making a Callout.

Additionally, when creating Elevations, you now have the ability to target the Top of Ceiling/Floor as the Elevation height of the created views.

Create sheets from linked Elements

You have a few options for creating sheets from linked elements. Parameter information from the elements is available for use in the Naming Scheme.

Scope Boxs

Scope Boxs

Here I use a Scope Box that is inside of the Linked Model, first I need to enable the Link in the Selection Tab. Then Select the Scope Box. In task configuration you are able to pull parameter values through into the naming of the Sheet as you would expect.



Again, you just need to enable the link when selecting the level you want. As you would expect you can pull any Level related parameter information into the Sheet naming.



Again, you just need to enable the link when selecting the level you want. As you would expect you can pull any Level related parameter information into the Sheet naming.

Dimension Linked Elements*

* Just to clarify with a bit of not so fine print, at the moment some elements are not supported. Currently Doors, Windows, Levels, Railings, and Exterior Wall Dimensions do not function.

Here I demo Dimensioning walls in a View.

Dimension Linked Elements

Sheets are also supported but have the same limitation on categories.

Enhancement to grid dimensioning

Enhancement to grid dimensioning

Now Glyph will only dimension Grids that have the bubble enabled. This is helpful because you may have a grid line that runs through the view that really isn't relevant to the drawing. The results are very predictable and clear.

Dimensions now includes support for Structural

A number of Structural elements are now supported.



You have two options when Dimensioning Structural Framing. All Elements will dimension each grouping of framing families. Aligned Elements Only will only place the required dimensions to locate all objects. Objects that are aligned with another that is dimensioned will be ignored.



With this release we now have Grouping, this will require a bit of fine tuning depending on your model. First, I show Direction, this will find a line through the columns, and you will need to provide a tolerance for the dimensions to also group columns not inline. Next, I demonstrate Grouping by Proximity, this will need a tolerance large enough to capture columns adjacent to each other. If you are having difficulty with getting dimensions to display it is likely due to a tolerance that is too low.



In this example I demonstrate a simple perimeter dimension. For more advanced plans you do have the same to Proximity and Direction grouping options


Hopefully this quick demonstration encourages you to try these new features in your own workflow.

We are always trying to expand the reach of Glyph, most of the features mentioned today originated from a customer request. As a company we pride ourselves in our direct connection to the customer, so please reach out if you have any thoughts on additional features or areas where the App falls short.

The team is always keeping an eye on the Forum or reach out through the website at If you are not currently a customer, try Glyphs for yourself. You can download a free trial here:


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